013 | Us & Kids: Lost and Found

Inspiration from this Episode

“We don’t have control over other people.”

“You’ve decided how you’re going to act—with grace and maturity.”

“How should we help our children grieve?”


013 | Us & Kids: Lost and Found



On today’s show, we're talking about all the things we lose in our day to day lives.

When we lose things, no matter how small or insignificant, how do you react? Do you think you’re losing your mind and get mad? Do we have tendencies to sometimes blame other people when things get lost?

Many times when we lose things, it isn’t just the thought of them being lost that really bothers us. It can be what that specific item represents to us and it no longer being around that upsets or bothers us. The loss of a family member or loved one in our lives can also be a time where we lose sense of ourselves and we must learn how to reconnect. 


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • The stories those lost things hold.
  • Dealing with losing relationships.
  • Doing the best with what you can control.
  • Helping your children grieve loss in their life.


Resources in Today’s Episode: 

  • Get your Lost & Found poem—written by yours truly 😘— to help you handle loss GRACEFULLY.



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