087 | Us & Kids: Truth or Lie

Inspiration from this Episode

“What I would desire to model would be the skill of being truthful and kind or tactful.”

“We can both be honest and cooperate and that's what we did.”

“Be sure you don't reward the lies, especially when our little ones are talking. I don't mind the storytelling. It's a use of their imagination.”


087 | Us & Kids: Truth or Lie



On today’s show, we're going to talk about being honest. Now, honesty can come in many forms, right? Honest to ourselves, honest with others, honest about our emotions. When you hear the word honest, or when someone says to you, oh come on, be honest. How do you respond? 

Are there different levels of honesty? Because then, that begs the question about are there different levels of lies? And what do you want to teach your kids about being honest and about lying? The two conversations sort of go together, don't they?


What You’ll Learn in Today’s Episode

  • How to model honesty for others.
  • Not setting people up for a lie.
  • Dishonesty vs storytelling.
  • Rewarding honesty with your kiddos.


Resources in Today’s Episode:  


Read the Full Transcript for this episode Here


Check out previous podcasts for tips on finding grace through the mess and joy of staying married forever, while parenting together.



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